Music Arena GH (UK) “Hope in Everything” Remix: Sahara CyberStars’ Uplifting Message
“Does an echo have a heartbeat? That’s the question that came to mind as the opening riff of the Sahara CyberStars’ “Hope in Everything” Remix curled out of my speakers like a serpent spinning in space. Lesser mortals might expect a straightforward call to arms or, worse, a montage of weary optimism, but Dave and Trish Long don’t deal in such pedestrian paths. They’re far more concerned with the sound of a question mark at sunset... Dave’s vocals feel like the slow unraveling of an old flag caught between velvet fingers. There’s something in his voice that makes you think of revolutionaries who are too tired to scream but too awake to sleep...Sand dunes of groove, washed over by Trish’s saxophone, blur into horizons you didn’t know were there...Hope isn’t shiny, it’s raw, folded into the dirty notes Dave strums on his guitar between choruses of broken promises...”
Sahara Music | 17 Sep 2024